Danvers MA Home Inspections
The Best Danvers MA Home inspections Danvers MA Home Inspections – It takes a lot to be a home inspector in New Danvers MA, or any area for that matter. Most home inspectors get into the business thinking that it is a way to not have to get dirty or to work with your...
Adding a Deck to Your Home
Adding a deck to your house can be a good way to add value and utility to your home. On an average year, there are millions of decks built or replaced. If the deck isn’t built properly though, it could be unsafe or even dangerous. There are many things to consider....
The Importance Of Staircase Maintenance
Most people never give a second thought to going up and down the stairs of their home, it’s just another routine action, however, the reality is that many household accidents occur on or around the stairs. Certain people are more vulnerable when it comes to this type...
Wenham MA Home Inspections
Wenham MA Home Inspections by Indian Rock Wenham MA Home Inspections - they shouldn't be done by just anyone. Here at Indian Rock, we are professional home inspectors. Hiring a Professional Home Inspector with our years of experience in the Building and Inspection...
Common Defects With Cribs
Keeping their child safe is the most important thing in the life of a parent. Babies are a top priority when it comes to safety. What are some of the most common defects parents should look out for when it comes to their child’s crib? Ensure that the crib mattress is...
Tips For a Smooth Inspection
If you want to have a smooth inspection, there are a few things that you as the homeowner can do to make sure that there are no delays in the process. Usually, if anything is going to need repairs, these need to be done before the inspection is performed. Any...
Topsfield MA Home Inspections
Topsfield MA Home Inspections Welcome to Indian Rok Inspections, the premier home inspectors in Topsfield. I have been inspecting in Ma for years, and have performed inspections for buyers and sellers just like you. Choosing the right home inspector is a critical step...
Selling Your House Without A Real Estate Agent
Making the decision to sell your home is a big one and requires a lot of planning. Perhaps you are considering the option of selling without the help of a real estate agent. This is something that often appeals to homeowners because it could save them a lot of money,...
The Best Alternative
Have you ever wondered whether or not hand sanitizer is effective? There are usually all kinds of claims on the front of the bottle, but you might notice that they never say that it is 100% effective. This is because there is a chance that the hand sanitizer fails to...
Bathroom Inspections…The Toilet
We all know that a toilet gets a lot of use but, were you aware that, on average in one year, a person will flush the toilet about 2500 times? In a large household, that’s a lot. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if the toilets in our homes were to malfunction for...