Will you be moving to a new house in the near future? It’s never too early to start the packing and sorting out process, planning ahead not only contributes to a stress-free move but, having time to sort out your belongings could also contribute to moving in an environmentally responsible way. What do we mean?

If we are not organized on the day of the move, there is more chance we will throw anything we don’t want to take to the new house, into the trash. However, if we gradually get rid of unwanted items, we can dispose of them in better ways such as by donating or recycling them. For example, while going through your belongings, start arranging them in piles, one can be for items you want to keep, one for selling at a yard sale and another pile for donating. This way you are reducing the amount of stuff that ends up in the garbage.

There are other items we tend to accumulate that, if thrown into the trash, could be very environmentally harmful. Some of these items include electronic equipment, light bulbs, used batteries, paint cans, and other chemicals. If you are unsure about how to dispose of them safely, contact your local environmental agency and they should be able to advise you on where to take them.

We know how stressful moving can be but, by organizing your belongings ahead of time and simplifying your life, the move will go a lot more smoothly.